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THE NEDERLANDSE  YORKSHIRE TERRIER CLUB'S  25. ANNIVERSARY SHOW 28/10 2001 Judge: Mevrouw Katharina Bottenberg (D) BIS was the male Ch. Banjo-Boy of Survival, owner Mariet Renssen, breeder Tilly Jansen. Banjo-Boy was BIS even at last years Speciality Show. Res.CAC:  Lord of the ring v.h. Polanerduin Bred by Corita Rombuts. Best bitch was Ch. Curly Clementine Golightly, owner I.Müller, breeder I.Müller/B.Krings. Res CAC: Violetta v, Samothrace. Breeder: Koevoets-Neef. The NYTC Jubilee Book will soon be avilable. Send e-mail  to the clubs secretary for further information.

AUSTRALIA:   Ch Yetholme Make Mine Mink "Makka" latest wins: Saturday 26th Oct 2001 - Forbes Eugowra Kennel Club (All breeds) Show  Runner up Best in Group  Australian Bred in Group Australian Bred in Show 

Sunday 27th Oct 2001 - Forbes Eugowra Kennel Club (All breeds) Show Best in Group Australian Bred in Group Runner up Best in Show Australian Bred in Show  Makka's breeder and owner is Jan Clarke


LINCOLN & HUMBERSIDE  Yorkshire Terrier Club (L&HYTC)  OPEN SHOW Sunday  21st October 2001 Judge: Miss Sue Reeves, Shimeesha YTs Best in Show was Mrs Sue Schaefer's Bitch Lovejoys Evensong Reserve Best in Show and Best Opposite Sex was Mr Peter Slaneys dog Pathaney's Pure Spirit Best Puppy Mrs Ridgwell's dog Pitten's Whiskey Cheer.

NORTHERN COUNTIES YORKSHIRE TERRIER CLUB Championship Show Sunday 7th October 2001

Judge: Mrs Janet Campion, Chevawn YTs  Best In Show Mrs Sue Schaefer (B) Lovejoys to Royale ( Ch.Charamar Royal Salute to Lovejoys x Lovejoys Blue Cascade ) Reserve Best in Show (D) Mr & Mrs Boots & Fitzgerald Kou Line to Baratoba (Baratoba Hot Line to Cherlem JW x Jumara Star Shine of Baratoba.) Best Puppy Mr & Mrs Boot Star Persuit to Baratoba (D) (Baratoba Hot Line to Cherlem JW x Jumara Star Potential)



Judge: Jurgen Grunn, Germany BIS CH. Casanova de Coramonte (photo), bred and owned by Jesus Montero  Best of Opposite Sex; CH Over The Moon de Ana-Lua, bred and owned by; Anna Palomo Best Puppy; Lilian de Coramonte, bred by Jesus Montero and owned by; Pilar Fernandez Lopez CAC male; Yeolands Tradition bred by; Mrs Nolan and owned by; Kristin Maaloe R.CAC male; Jasper 1 de Coramonte, bred and owned by; Jesus Montero CAC female; Cadillac de la Villa y Corte, bred and owned by C.Salas & A Mesto R.CAC; Melva de la Virreyna bred and owned by; Ulises D Rodriguez. Photos avilable soon at the Spanish YTC website  





MINI SHOP MADE FOR YOU "Yozha "  won Best in Show. Owner Natasha Aitouganova, Toy Savoy Yorkshire Terriers. BOS: Royal Jewel du Gue de L'Adour. Owner Ana Babaeva, Mini Shop Yorkshire Terriers. Judge Sonia Pagani, Italy See the photos here



Ch Yetholme Make Mine Mink "Makka" (male) 

won Australian Bred in (Toy) group on Saturday 15/9 2001 after being seriously considered for Best in Group.  

Ch Yetholme Make Mine Mink and Ch Yetholme Loves Salvation "Sal"(bitch) was shown on Sunday the 16. Sal beat Makka for Best of Breed, then won Best in Group and went on to win Runner up Best in Show (all breeds). Breeder and owner: Jan Clarke, Australia

Photo: Ch Yetholme Loves Salvation "Sal"



CH Bonsai Maat (MULTI CH. LIL's YOUNG AND BEAUTIFUL x MULTI CH. BONSAI ANNABEL) is now Greek Champion, she gained CAC / CACIB / BOB / Res. GROUP  in Athens Int. Show on 07.10

Breeder and owner: Sonia Pagani, Italy




Judge: Mats Lindborg BOB/CAC/CACIB: NORDIC CH Debonaire´s Apple Of My Eyes (photo) Owner: Susanne Robertsson, Sweden  BOS:  INTCH NORDCH FIN CH NV-00 Nisseliten´s One And Only Owner: Maude Mjärdner, Sweden CAC/CACIB: SCH NCH Lil´s Take A Chance On Me Owner: Maude Mjärdner, Sweden R-CACIB: Zue Doggy-Booms Jack Of Hearts Owner: Susanne Robertsson, Sweden 



The HAMILTONPLAQUETTE was instituted in the year 1910 by the Swedish Kennel club in memory of the founder of the club and its first chairman, court forester count A. P Hamilton. The plaquette can be awarded to the one who through successful breeding to a great degree benefits the object of the society.  The price has been called THE NOBEL PRICE OF DOGDOM.   Bernice Undén fulfills this requirement, as she has been the leading Yorkshire Terrier breeder in Scandinavia for over 30 years. During this time she has been a mentor for new and established Yorkie enthusiasts. Almost every Nordic kennel is based on material from Debonaire's. Bengt Pettersson is Bernice' husband, friend and partner in yorkies for over 20 years, president of the Swedish Yorkshire Terrier Society. While Bernice is in charge of showing and breeding, Bengt is taking care of the administration and organization. The photo we have chosen to illustrate this article is from a SYTS show and it has symbolic power: We can see Bengt at the back, as the show chairman, speaker and photographer, Bernice is at the front with a dog that later the same day won BIS. A perfect partnership for progress!  Bernice was in l998 honored with the Swedish Terrier Clubs Medal for successful breeding of Yorkshire Terriers. She is the only Yorkshire Terrier breeder which has been awarded with both the Terrier Clubs Medal and the Hamiltonplaquette. Bernice & Bengt & all the Debonaire's Yorkies, we salute you! CONGRATULATIONS! [Read more]



Nord UCH Pearlstring Come Rain Come Shine "Bongo" is now Copenhagen Winner-2001, she won CACIB, BOB and BIG-4  Bongo is now qualified for the  International Champion title. Lilian Brown, Denmark judged the breed and also the group. Bongo's breeder & owner: Ann-Katrin Ahlstedt, Pearlstring Yorkshire Terriers, Sweden


FIN N CH De Majodian Bubbel Jeu (KANS FIN EST F CH FIW96 Heros Eponyme De Majodian x De Majodian Fleur-Interdit) won BEST IN SHOW at The Norwegian Toy Dog Club's Show in Trondheim 26/8 2001. Breeder: Pascale Mark. Owners:  Heinonen / Mark , Finland. 

Handler: Ine Lohrmann, Norway.


THE TOY DOG CLUB OF NORWAY 16/9 2001 BOB: S N CH Bokella's Delphi Cephei. (photo) Owner/breeder: HelenéLjungquist, Sweden. BOS N CH Lonely Tune's Northernlights. Owner: Henny Lidal, Norway  

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Winners of the 1.DYC 20-Year Jubilee Club Winner Show, 9 September 2001 at Rottweil: Dog: Bloomsbury Lucky Strike Breeder & Owner: Jürgen Grünn. Bitch:
Millennium Princess of  Padawi's Owner: Marina Forte See the report at The YORKSHIRE TERRIER JOURNAL NEW English Page


Chevrolet de La Villa y Corte23/09 2001 National Show in Sabiñanigo, Spain CHEVROLET DE LA VILLA Y CORTE (Multi Ch. Jaguar de La Villa y Corte x Multi Ch. Huri de La Villa y Corte)  won her first CAC, 16 monts old. Judge : Norman Huidobro  Owner: Encarna Martinez  Breeder: Carlos Salas & Ana Mesto



Askersund 11.8.01, Judge:Hans v d Berg. BOB CAC SUChamp Footprints Walking in the Sun 

Fengersfors, Sv Terrierklubben 12.08.01, Judge Alberto Velasco. BOB CAC (nr 2) till Footprints Bonus to Remember (male), BOS Ch Footprints Walking in the Sun. Owner & breeder: Anita Skoglund




NKK INTERNATIONAL SHOW OSLO 12/8-01 Judge: Wenche Eikeseth. BIR CAC CACIB S FIN N UCH Zue Doggy-Booms High Passion. qualified for Int. ch. BIM CAC Zue Doggy-Booms Jack Of Hearts Owner & breeder of both dogs: Susanne Robertsson, Sweden.


BIS/BISS CH. Parkside's The Magic Touch, R.O.M. An outstanding showdog and producer and the first homebred Champion from Marie and Ivan Cardona, Puerto Rico. Over the last two weeks his offspring has made their mark in the US rings. See the results Go to Sweety Blue to see his pedigree.


1.DYT Club Stuttgarter Pfingschau, on 03.06.01  Judge: Sonia Pagani (Bonsai YT), Italy

From left: Of Morning-Sun's X'Too much Tequila (male)Best Junior.Owner: K.Kormer Bloomsbury Backstreet Boy CAC open males Owner: K.Stark Ch. Bloomsbury Lucky Strike CAC/BOB ch.males Owner: J.Grunn The judge: Sonia Pagani


INTERNATIONAL SHOW IN RANSÄTER, Sweden 28 july 2001 Judge: Martha Heine  BOB CAC CACIB Zue Doggy-Booms Jack Of Hearts Breder & owner: Susanne Robertsson BOS CACIB NORD CH Pearlstring Come Rain Come Shine: Breeder & owner Ann-Katrin Ahlstedt 

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SVENSTAVIK (S) INT SHOW 14/07/01 Judge: Marlo Hjernquist BOB/CACIB INT NORD N CH Zue Doggy-Booms Easy To Charm. Owner: Susanne Robertsson [Read more]


DOUBLE SHOW IN HALMSTAD SWEDEN 7-8/07/2001 Winner of two CACs Footprints Walking in the Sun (Candytops Royal Review and Footprints Now or Never). Breeder/owner: Anita Skoglund   [Visit]


BIR  BIG2 S DK CH Debonaire's She's An Eye (photo). Owner Charlotta Jacobsson. NKK INT SHOW DRAMMEN, NORWAY 10.06.01:   BOB cac,cacib BEST IN GROUP S DK CH Debonaire's She's An Eye (photo). Owner Charlotta Jacobsson. BOS cacib N CH Lonely Tune's Northenlights Owner Henny Lidal     [Read more]


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