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Yorkshire Terrier Club of Los Angeles SpecialtyThursday, June 28, 2001 Conformation Judge:Stephen Hubbell Sweepstakes Judge: Carl Trehus THE "OLYMPICS" OF DOG SHOWS  BOB: CH Tea-Time's Talk Of The Town Owner:  Linda Velasquez  [Results]



Yorkshire Terrier Club of America. 50th Anniversary. YTCA Specialty Wednesday, June 27, 2001. BISS: CH Sterling Wild Card O'Marne, Mary Nehf    BOS: CH Montclair Bejaze BB Gun,Linda Bush  BOW: Guemart's Magic Reputation, Jesus Guerrero Merino Winners Bitch: Durrer's Celebrity, Betty Anne Durrer  [Results]


GROUP WINNER BONSAI MAAT  Expo Nat. Veria (GR) 09-06-01
CAC BOB BOG. & Expo Nat. Katerinh (GR) 05-05-01  CAC BOB BOG  Breeder: Sonia Pagani, Italy  [Visit]



BOB WORLD CH 2001 Can/Am French CH. DURRER'S DIAMOND REQUEST (Follow this link for more photos)   All photos by: Encarna Martinez & Carlos Saltari, Mis Yorkies


WORLD CHAMPION 2001 Canadian French CH. DURRER'S DIAMOND REQUEST New homepage: du Petit Lac Saint James  owned by Catherine CONSTEN in France  




CH Formula Uno De La Villa y Corte, Spanish ch., Asian WinnerŽ'99, Spanish Sg., German Sg., BIS German Clubsiegerschau '00, BIS Millenium show 2000 Germany.Breeder AnaMesto and Carlos Salas. Owners Ana Mesto and Yumiko Kumaki.  In photo together with Ana Mesto and breeder-judge Joe Margi, England.




EUROPEAN WINNER 2001 INT Ch., Spain Ch., Portugal Ch., Lux Ch., Gibraltar Ch., Tel-Aviv Winner, EUROPEAN WINNER 2001, Jr. C.E.Y.T.Ch., European Jr.Ch., World Jr.Ch. & Copenhagen Jr.Ch. "Jaguar de la Villa y Corte"   Owners: Carlos Satlari & Encarna Martinez  Breeders: Carlos Salas & Ana Mesto




Vice Euro Champion on The Euro Dog Show 2001 in Tel Aviv: Mini Shop Stand By Me Breeder: A. Babaeva, Owner: T. Serougolnikova





Antonella Meucci Sweety Blue Yorkshire Terriers, Italy, with her new Norwegian Champions INT FIN N CH Private Dancer De Majodian and FIN N CH Pas De Deux de Majodian in Bergen 01.04.01







N CH Henceforth's Clinton "Billy" is our latest addition to the Top Winning Yorkshire Terrier lists  in Norway over the years. You can see all of them at Henceforth's Top Winners page.  

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(Ch. INT EDIZIONE LIMITATA DELLE ANTICHE MURA x Ch. MINI SHOP MADE FOR YOU) won her fourth CAC and  is now Russian Champion!! And she was BIG and BIS-III at the show September, 9-th in Novosibirsk. Breeder is Natasha Aitouganova, Toy Savoy Yorkshire Terriers in Obninsk, Russia



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