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A Yorkshire terrier was the cover-cog of the April issue of the Greek dog magazine " We And Our Dogs" His name is  Jasmilium Richard The Lionheart (by Multi, World Ch. Maserati de la Villa y Corte x Int., Cyp., Gr. Ch. Bonsai Queen of Diamonds) Breeder & owner is Julie Stravolemou,  Jasmilium Yorkshire Terriers, Greece.



A presentation. Meet multi BOB & BIG winner  and BISS at the Spanish Speciality Show 2001: ESPCH, INTCH, MEXCH TOPYORKIE-99, TOPYORKIE-2000 and C.E.Y.T.2001 CASANOVA DE CORAMONTE and his kennelmates CLICK HERE. Breeder & owner is Jesus Montero, Spain


NEW RUSSIAN CHAMPION: Ch Toy Savoy Pongo (Edizionelimitata Delle Antice Mura x Mini Shop Made For You) breeder and owner Natasha Aitouganova, Toy Savoy Yorkshire Terriers in Russia.



SUCH Pearlstring Nightlight "Kenzo"INT NORD CH SV-99 NORDV-99 RES.WW-00 Pearlstring's Wild Illusion x Debonaire´s French Flavour) Breeder/owner: Ann-Katrin Ahlstedt, kennel Pearlstring.


YORKSHIRE TERRIER SPECIALTY SHOW  - MOSCOW RUSSIA 4/2002   Judge: Henrik Johansson, (Henrikville) Sweden. BISS Champion Russia, Finland, Belorussia, vice Euro Ch 2001 Interchampion Mini Shop Stand By Me (Ch Edizione Limitata Delle Antiche Mura  x  Ch Hanky Panky De Majodian) Breeder and owner: Ana Babaeva, Mini Shop Yorkshire Terriers, Russia.



Location: Jevnaker  Saturday 8. June 2002.  Judge: Bernice Undén, Debonaire's Yorkshire terriers in Sweden (photo) Information: Norsk Yorkshire terrier web



Judge: Anne Tove Strande BOB CAC CACIB NEW NORW. CHAMPION HENCEFORTH'S TAMAGOTCHI (N CH Pistol Pete van Duke's Paradijs x N CH Debonaire's Diamonds Are Forever) Breeder & owner: Henny Lidal, Norway





INT SHOW IN SWEDEN  Västerĺs 27/4-2002

Judge:Frances Hickey (9 + 19)  BOB CACIB SCH NCH ZUE DOGGY-BOOMS JACK OF HEARTS (photo) Breeder and owner: Susanne Robertsson, and BOS CACIB NORDCH NV-01 DEBONAIRE´S SHE´S AN EYE, bred by Bernice Undén. Owner Charlotta Jacobsson




Judge: Ana Mesto, De La Villa y Corte Yorkshire Terriers, Spain. Best Yorkie Puppy (photo 1) Sunrise v.Duke's Paradijs. Breeder: Henny v/d Berg. Intermediate class winner Res CAC (photo 2) Nebula van  Duke's Paradijs  Breeder: Henny v/d Berg. Open class winner with CAC,CACIB,BOS  (photo 3) De Majodian La Diva, breeder Pascale Mark. Owner of all three yorkies are Yanina Vilenchik, Israel.


INT Show Holland 21.04.02

Judge: Henny v/d Berg (NL). BOS CAC + CACIB Durrer's Strut Your Stuff (photo left), Can. Lux Champ, breeder B.A.Durrer owner S. Chauveau. BOB CAC+CACIB Firacres Kiss and Tell (photo right) bred by Ms. McCadam owner Mme. Glebova Galina. Reserve bitch Rhode Island de Pam 'Pomerale bred by S. Chauveau and owned by C. Hillebrand and S. Chauveau.




OBEDIENCE NEWS FLASH 2002: Footprints First and Forever "Greger" won 1st price in obedience class # 1. He won the whole class over many Spaniels and Retrievers!! His total was impressive 169 points! Greger is bred, owned and trained by Anita Skoglund, Sweden.


SWEDEN: SKK Sollentuna 30/3 2002 

Judge: Kenneth Edh 11 dogs  + 15 bitches entered. BOB CACIB SCH NCH ZUE DOGGY-BOOMS JACK OF HEARTS Breeder/owner: Susanne Robertsson  BOS CACIB INTCH* NORDCH SV-01 PEARLSTRING COME RAIN COME SHINE Breeder/owner: Ann-Katrin Ahlstedt.


INT DOG SHOW ZAGREB Croatia 9/3 2002:

Judge: Elke Pepper (D) CAC/ CACIB / BOB:  HORUS DEI FIOCCHI ROSSI Breeder: A. Confaloni - owner N. Pollini  "HORUS "  was BEST OF GROUP,  judge Peter Harsanyi ( H) and RESERVE  BEST IN SHOW, judge Elke Pepper (D)  CAC CH OYAKALELO DU GUE DE L'ADOUR Breeder Y. Jan - owner N. Pollini  CAC / CACIB QOCCLE'S MY FAIR LADY Breeder and owner N. Pollini, Italy.

INT Show in Zagreb   10 / 3 / 2002 Judge Milivoje Urosčvic (YU) CAC/ CACIB / BOB:  HORUS DEI FIOCCHI ROSSI Breeder: A. Confaloni - owner N. Pollini RES.CACIB CAC CH OYAKALELO DU GUE DE L'ADOUR Breeder Y. Jan - owner N. Pollini CAC / CACIB QOCCLE'S MY FAIR LADY Breeder and owner N. Pollini, Italy.


CRUFT'S 2002:   BOB & THIRD OF GROUP: Hassendean Royal Dancer. Owner : Susan Prevost. Judge: Osman A. Sameja. More results HERE

SWEDEN: The Swedish Terrier Club Show

BOB & BIS4 INT NORD CH KphW-01 Pearlstring Come Rain Come Shine Judge: Ingela Nilsson. Breeder & owner: Ann-Katrin Ahlstedt. "Bongo" was #7 Top Terrier and #1 Top Yorkie in 2001. She is qualified for the Champion of Champions 20th anneversary Show in Stockholm on Easter Eve. In 20 years only three Yorkies has been qualified: INT S N CH NV-89-90 Debonaire's Believe In Music, his grand son INT NORD CH SV-99 RES WW2000 Pearlstring Wild Illusion and his daughter INT NORD CH KphW-01 Pearlstring Come Rain Come Shine.


ISRAEL SHOWS 2-3/3 2002

BEST JUNIOR: Photo #3: Nebula v. Duke's (N CH Lonely Tune's Northernlights x Eclise of Survival) Owner: Yanina Vilenchik Breeder: H. v/d Berg, Holland B: Photo #2 Ch Bernard of Sazar (Koriandolo of Millmoor x Eliza Amazing Star) Owner: Yolanda Magal   BOS: Photo #1 Ch Ashley Melody, (Marillion's Emanuel x Sweet Hone'Joy-Laika) Owner :Eva Zalis CAC Saturday Tiffany of Sazar and CAC  Sunday Lady Julia Of Bney OR Breeder/owner: Ricky Cohen. 



BOB: (Photo #1) Cacib SUCH NUCH Bokellas Delphi Cephei  Breeder/owner: Helené Ljungquist. BOS: (Photo #2) CAC Champion  Miamiti´s Ning Poh, Owner/breeder: Lise Heder Cert BT-2 Lil´s Looking for Adventure, Owner: Helené Ljungquist.Breeder: Lillian Lindberg. 


Paris Dog Show January 11-12-13. 2002 

BIG and BIS#3: 

Priscilla de la Pam’Pommeraie (Ch Mozart de la Pam’Pommeraie x Ch Merry Poppins de la Pam’Pommeraie), Owner: Mrs Chauveau, France




In the National Zaragoza the 2nd February 2002  the  bitch Jr.Ch."Chevrolet de la Villa y Corte" won CAC for judge Mr.Rodi Hubenthal, and in the International Zaragoza the 3th February, "Chevrolet" won CAC, CACIB AND BOB under the prestigious judge Mr.Andrew Brace (UK). 


And "Bugatti Azul de la Villa y Corte" was best Junior.

Breeders : Carlos Salas - Ana Mesto  Owners: Carlos Satlari-Encarna Martinez.



The NATIONAL VIC-2002 (Barcelona) the 20th January 2002 Photo: Carlos Martinez, Mis Yorkies

Jr. Ch "Cherokee de la Villa y Corte", was BIS-2, only two years old!. He was Best of Group with the prestigious Mr. Andrew Thomson (Westie breeder from England), and BIS-2 with the prestigious Mrs. Marion Spavin (Beagle breeder from England) Handler: Ana Mesto, Ch Cadillac De La Villa y Corte, handled by Carlos Salas was awarded BOS And the Best Group Class was the Yorkshire Terrier from La Villa y Corte 

Photo: Carlos Martinez, Mis Yorkies






05.01.2002 in Moscow was a Special Show -"Yorkie New Year 2002" 

(65 yorkies was present!) BIS Puppy - Secret Love De Petit Lac St. James (breeder C.Consten, own. A.Babaeva) BIS Junior (photo #3) - Mini Shop Montie (breeder&owner A.Babaeva)  BIS (photo #1) - Nevskiy Talisman Greta (breeder N.Turilova, own. A.Babaeva) New Champion Finland (photo #2) - Royal Jewel Du Gue De L'Adour (breeder Y. Jan, own. Y. Jan & A. Babaeva) 


January Show in ISRAEL 14/01.02: 

BOB: Ch Berny of Sazar (Koriandolo of Millmoor x Eliza Amazing Star) Owner: Yolanda Magal    BOS/CAC: De Majodian La Diva (De Majodian Free Style x Jolie Mome De Majodian) Owner: Yanina Vilenchik Breeder Pascale: Mark. #2 Ch Ashley Melody, (Marillion's Emanuel x Sweet Hone'Joy-Laika) Owner :Eva Zalis



Judge Ana Mesto, De La Villa y Corte Yorkshire Terriers, Spain

BOB: INT (qual.) Nordic Ch KphV 2001 SV-01 TOP YT 2001 Pearlstring Come Rain Come Shine, Owner/breeder Ann Katrin Ahlstedt, sweden  BOS: INT NORD CH Morpheus Musashi. Owner/breeder: Shinobu Nordgren, Finland

Sweden: TOP YORKSHIRE TERRIER 2001 & TOP TERRIER #7: INT* NORDCH KBHV-01 SV-01 PEARLSTRING COME RAIN COME SHINE Breeder/owner Ann-Katrin Ahlstedt  Top Debutant 2001: PEARLSTRING NIGHTLIGHT Breeder/owner Ann-Katrin Ahlstedt Top Veteran 2001: INT NORDCH NV-95 LIL´S MIRACLE OF LOVE Breeder Lilian Lindberg Owner Göran Lundholm Top Breeder 2001: PEARLSTRING Ann-Katrin Ahlsstedt #2 top breeder: ZUE DOGGY-BOOMS Susanne Robertsson #3 top breeder: LIL´S Lilian Lindberg #4 top breeder: DEBONAIRE´S Bernice Undén #5 top breeder: FOOTPRINTS Anita Skoglund



VÄXJÖ, SWEDEN 18/11/2001


Ch Footprints Walking in the Sun " Malou" ( Candytop's Royal Review x Footprints Now or Never) won BOB over an entry of 28 Yorkshire Terriers for the judge Fred Cuthbert. This is one of the highest entries of the year. Breeder and owner: Anita Skoglund, Sweden


S CH Debonaire's Messin With Dynamite (INT NORD CH SV-99 RES WW2000 Pearlstring's Wild Illusion x INT NORDIC CH SV-97 Debonaire's French Connection)  William is Champion # 94 with the Debonaire's prefix. Breeder and owner is Bernice Undén, Debonaire's YTs Sweden



AM CH Parkside's J'Adore  (Sire: Oziggy-Boy Du Gue De L'Adour Dam: Parkside Splendor) The latest USA Champion at Parkside's. J'Adore is a combination of European and USA bloodlines. Breeder and owner: Marie Cardona, Parkside's YTs, Puerto Rico

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